Monday, October 6, 2008


And so our baby girl turned one today!

Lillian is our precious little girl, so cuddly and sweet yet with an obvious streak of determination and strong will. She's crawling well now and is quite the sticky-beak, getting into everything she possibly can. She has a great sense of humour like her brother, and they play beautifully together. They make each other laugh and I hope this continues for a long time even when they're annoying the heck out of each other, as they invariably will. She claps hands delightedly, can wave when she thinks about it, and vocalises surprisingly loudly! "Da-da" is really the only word at present, much to her father's delight.

Happy birthday my sweetheart. May your life be full of sunshine and happiness always.


Rachel said...

Happy Birthday gorgeous girl! It can't be a year since I visited that tiny little girl in Calvary with you Maria.
Look at her now : ) xxx Rach

p.s. I am about to have another beautiful niece this friday. Andrea's being induced.

Antoinette said...

Happy Birthday to your two gorgeous Librans! That baby of yours is making me feel decidedly clucky. She looks edible, (although I am not a child-eating kind of witch. I promise).

Dani said...

Wow Maria, I can't believe shes 1 already. That first year goes so quickly doesn't it? I can't even think about A being 5 because that means my boy is almost 5 too. That is freaky.
Gorgeous kids and a gorgeous Mumma!